The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: I used my degree in Aerospace to work on Navy missile simulations in MD, then Air Force avionics upgrade test and evaluation in NM. There I met and married Dave, my true love, and then tried to pursue working as a military spouse. I worked with GPS software in NM, and then moved to VA, working as a contractor to Langley NASA on the MISR satellite. We moved to Canberra, Australia for one year, but my real job started when we moved to Stuttgart, Germany. Being a mother is far more exacting and rewarding than any engineering job! We moved to CA, and now live near Naples, Italy. The kids are Rowan-7, Christopher-5, Veronika-4, and Vik-3, all adopted from Russia, with hopes for one more (because every girl needs a sister!) God has been so good to us, and the Navy has truly let us see the world up close. |